cave, doorknob, book and black dress: things on my mind! via the thinking tank and margaret durow.
lite saker jag gillar och tänker på bara..
cave, doorknob, book and black dress: things on my mind! via the thinking tank and margaret durow.
lite saker jag gillar och tänker på bara..
i realize while writing yet another post about flowers that perhaps the graphic design/interior/fashion-parts of this blog is being put on the hold. this is just a coincidence, i think it has to do with me being outside all the time, getting sunstruck and developing into ferdinand. it’s just a fase.
that being said – how lovely is the flower above? i love the buds.. it’s by ah-yi, from her own garden.. check it out.
söt, söt, söt blomma!
machine 2: foresees into the future of design 15 years from now.
machine 3: reproduces itself (just in smaller scale).
machine 1: produces Pantone 804 or magenta.
= tools you need to:
a thursday with lovely elsa.. i love her mothers illustrations and paintings!
a trip to the museum with the unicorn diaries…
having some popcorn with scarlett at my favorite english muse..
looking at dots, thinking: oh joy!
being fascinated by garbage at the dieline..
learning about readable typography at a very smashing magazine!
lots of love!
in an era when everything is so very mass-produced and homogen/modified to appeal to everyone, it’s not surprising that locally produced things are getting more attractive. and if you like locally produced – why not take it a step further: custom made, entirely produced for you. this is why i find this so clever and creative; custom made valentines events by an artist namned aubrey trinnaman (which i found via one of my favorite blogs – oh happy day). creating custom made events is like combining installation art, theatre, graphic design, illustration and photography and giving it away along with a message. check out her project “shoot the messenger” here.
i en tid av massproduktion och homogenitet är det inte särskilt konstigt att lokalproducerade produkter känns så aktuella och intressanta. och gillar man lokalproducerat så kan man ju alltid ta det steget längre – specialtillverkat. därför tycker jag att det här är så skickligt och kreativt: specialgjorda alla hjärtans dag-händelser ihopknåpade av konstnären aubrey trinnaman (som jag hittade genom favoriten oh happy day). att skapa specialgjorda händelser är som att kombinera installationskonst, teater, grafisk design, illustration och fotografi och ge det till någon tillsammans med ett meddelande. kolla in projektet “shoot the messenger” här.
edholm ullenius is a swedish graphic design duo that have been commissioned by (among others) bookbinders design. l really like their playful, bubbly style.. check out their website here.
edholm ullenius är en grafisk design-duo som bland annat formgivit böcker för bookbinders design. gillar deras lekfulla, bubbliga stil.. kolla in deras hemsida här.