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3 In Beauty/ Fashion

Nadia Aboulhosn

nadia aboulhosn


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I have a serious fashion girl-crush right now on Nadia Aboulhosn. She is so incredibly charismatic and her blog is personal in the most genuine way. Her photos are amazing as hell, the lightning and poses are like snaps out of a Sofia Coppola movie, so intriguing and inspiring. Not to mention the fashion and styling.. A-game simply put.

“I make it a point to not glamorise my life on social media,” she says herself. “I take pictures with my glasses, with no makeup. I’ll screenshot my bank account.”

“Some people aren’t happy with their own life so they try to make it look good to other people. I take pictures of me going to McDonalds. I make it a point to show I’m still eating oodles of noodles. I think that’s why people can relate to me.”

Love her!