I used to be all for the white interiors, no natural wood was allowed and even if it was just mildly stained I would be skeptical. Gone are those days, now I find myself looking for anything organic and natural. Could be my adoration for Japanese interior design that has finally gotten it’s way with material choices as well, nowadays I’ll simply be accepting a walnut-hued kitchen as well as a modernist white one.
So anyways, part of my inspirations as of now are all in the earthy and forest-y interiors. Tree panels can create an interesting atmosphere with their soothing structures, especially when placed like the ones in the facade above of Villa Nesøya by Lundhagem architects.
Porridge and pines, how very Scandinavian. Even a little elk on the plate, and a traditional brass pot. Can’t help but like this. First photo is by Line Dammen and the second one by Inger Marie Grini.
Floating, wall hung kitchen in light oak from a house in Baerum in Norway. The ceiling seems to float effortlessly as well thanks to the built in light at the edge.
Natural color palette and a bed with a view. By Inger Marie Grini.