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about Lolita

10 In about Lolita


my mother is the most important person in my life. i know that people say that, but i really mean it. without her i’m nothing. she is the most beautiful person i know, both inside and out. when she smiles, i think i’m not the only one to hold my breath. it’s so kind and sincere, it almost hurts inside. it hurts because i want to protect her from all the worlds evils. and still, i know that she is much stronger than me. than anyone i know in fact. she is so sincere because she feels everything so strongly. that’s why she understands it all.

if i close my eyes, i can recreate her hands exactly in my head. and her smell. the way her pony tail rests agains her neck and how she crosses her legs when she sits down. the way she says my name and hugs me. i can record most of our conversations, almost in detail. and everything i know and am is thanks to her. if she would need a heart transplant, i would not hesitate to give her mine. because it is already hers. and it always will be.
happy mothers day mamma

5 In about Lolita

max farago, guldlådan, berghs och livet

max farago

4 hours of sleep.. the class just returned from ddb and now it’s time to make the last changes on the guldlådan-panel (deadline today). it’s a competition that the swedish mail service – posten – arrange every year for ad-schools. i can show you my contribution later today or tomorrow if you’d like to see it?

fyra timmars sömn, studiebesök (?) på ddb och guldlådan-inlämning ikväll på södra teatern.. dagarna är som oändliga godissnören som liksom fastnar lite i halsen ibland.. men för det mesta är de väldigt goda.
jordgubb med hallonsmak typ.

10 In about Lolita


graduation today. celebrating this on le blog with a series of photos that i put together a while ago. i still love them all. they make me think of a word i read somewhere recently which i think is beautiful – interstellar.

idag tar jag studenten! (fast det vet ni ju redan så mycket som jag tjatat :)

4 In about Lolita


i’m having troubles uploading images.. so no photos until tomorrow (or tonigt). there are several things going on with lolita. first of all, i’m switching to ballous server. this is good because lolita is going to be very, very fast. it will also make it possible for me to upload bigger photos and the layout will change a little (hopefully to the better).
anyways, i hope you’re having a nice tuesday afternoon!

byter till ballous supersnabba server men det innebär att tekniken krånglar lite tillfälligt. kan till exempel inte ladda upp bilder. men det kommer att ändras inom kort (typ ikväll/imorrn) tillsammans med lite andra förbättringar; större bilder och finare layout. hoppas ni har en fin tisdag, kram på er!